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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Almost Ready for Summer! (It's July...)

So! I am almost ready for summer! The inside stuff is closer to done (craft area set up, bookcases assembled, located all the parts for the bathroom sink) and I have hung out two bird feeders- having gotten rid of the 3 bird eating fluffballs. I've even weeded the front yard and started moving rocks to re arrange the flower areas. Soon I'll be able to clean out the motor home and go camping- assuming we get the brakes fixed and figure someplace to put Glenn's stuff. I'm even thinking about planting a vegetable garden.
Too bad it's the middle of July, I could start some seeds... Hmmm.... I'm only a month and a half behind. If I stay on this schedule, Christmas will be in February, Spring will start in May - hey, isn't that what happened this year? and next year's summer will start in August.

1 comment:

  1. And someday you will be all caught up with that schedule! nice to see you blogged!
